
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 Things I LOVE About Being a Mama!

I came across a great blog post today by my twitter friend (if there's some special twitter word for a twitter friend, I don't know it), Ashley, from Confessions Of A First Time Mom. She wrote about her little one being sick and her needing to remind herself what she loves about being a mom. Her sweet list was a great reminder for me, too, and has inspired me to come up with my own list today. So here goes (in no particular order):

10 Things I Love About Being a Mama!
1. Seeing the world through their innocent eyes.
2. Being loved unconditionally.
3. Making my little ones smile and laugh.
4. Sawyer's "I just looovve you, Mama."
5. Watching them learn and grow.
6. Knowing and being AMAZED that my body created such beauty.
7. Snuggling.
8. Having an excuse to be downright silly.
9. Watching my husband be a wonderful father.
10. Playing with their toys! Haha!

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  1. You are too kind! Your list brought tears to my eyes, and I'm so honored to have inspired such a sweet post. I too love watching my husband be such an amazing father. It's a great feeling to see him play with our son! Thanks for the tweets. Twitter friend... hmmmm... "Twend?" lol

  2. What a wonderful list.
    Stopping in from SITS.

  3. What a sweet post. <3

    Visiting from SITS

  4. Stopping by from SITS. Such a sweet post!

  5. Stopping by from SITS. I'm a first time mom and I really needed a list like this today. Things have been tough around here the past few days.

  6. Thanks for the SITS love, y'all! I'm so glad to be a part of such a supportive group.

    I had a rough day, too. Everyone has those. Oh - the ups and downs of being a mama!


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