
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Homemade Halloween Costumes plus a FREE Pattern Giveaway!

The magical and creative costumes (and the candy, of course) make Halloween one of my favorite holidays. The aisles and aisles of costumes in the stores are cute and convenient, but I think buying a costume really takes the fun and creativity out of the holiday. My little ones are still a bit too young to fully appreciate it, but I hope to spark some creative inspiration in them as they grow up by making their Halloween costumes each year. I realize that many busy mamas don't think they have the time for such elaborate creations, but there are many quick and inexpensive ideas online. Check out Better Homes and Garden's Easy-to-Make Kids' Halloween Costumes for how-to's on transforming your little one into such things as a scaly serpent, garden nymph, or a yummy banana split!

If you need a little more instruction or personalized assistance, check out these easy costume patterns and kits on Etsy, too.

Fun Fleece Animal Ear Hats PDF Instructions by tiedyediva on Etsy

Lion Costume Kit by DIYcostumes on Etsy
(with free video tutorials, too!)

Superhero Cape PDF Pattern sz 2-6 by pukingpastilles on Etsy

This past weekend, I was lucky enough to come across the Puking Pastilles blog and WIN her great Labor Day Giveaway of a FREE Superhero Cape PDF Pattern! And she was kind enough to offer one for one of you, too!!! To enter, leave a comment below letting me know what your little one will be (or might be) for Halloween this year. Get more chances to win by sharing this post on Twitter, Facebook, Stumbleupon, or on your own blog. And even MORE chances to win by becoming a follower of B.Inspired Mama (to the right), subscribing via an RSS, or becoming a fan on facebook! That's 8 (count them - 8) chances to win!!! Just leave a separate comment for each. The winner will be selected on Friday, September 11th at 12pm EST and will be emailed the pattern by Puking Pastilles shortly thereafter (so don't forget to include your email address)!

***To give more mamas the chance to enter, I'm extending the giveaway deadline to Monday, September 14th!***


  1. I guess I am one of those mamas that orders her little one a costume...If I only could sew but I am starting though so maybe next year I will try and to create something for Lexi. I have to admit Childrens Place has the cutest costumes besides Pottery Barn but way to expensive for me. Anyway I think Lexi has about outgrown all the Childrens Place costumes so next year will be the year I start trying to figure something out that is cute and her age.

    Halloween is my favorite time also...all the creepy things to put out in your decor.

    BTW I found your set after I posted my pics of the pattern I got from you...I was like wow a set and for only 20 bucks...thanks so much for not keeping it. I will treasure it and will share pictures when I get it in the mail and also share about your etsy store. I am a huge etsy fan!

    So glad you came and visited me and please come back often!


  2. My son is going as Elmo that is if he doesn't freak out at wearing the costume and at other kids dressed up. He's two and has decided he doesn't like people dressed up. I do make a lot of his clothes. I made him a little shirt with a cape attached. I would love a pattern for a full size cape.


  3. I subscribed to your RSS feed through Google reader.

  4. My daughter might be a princess. She wants to be a pumpkin but they don't usually have costumes in her size. (infant usually) I have four grandchildren ages 5 and under so the boys might want to be super hero's. lol



  5. Tweeted @gahome2mom & following
    Win a Super Hero Cape Pattern @BInspiredVTG

  6. facebook @gahome2mom

    Win a Super Hero Cape Pattern @BInspiredVTG

  7. Blogged it:

  8. My daughter might be some kind of vampiress

  9. My daughter is going to be strawberry! :)

  10. Blogged:

  11. I'm thinkin that my boys will be pirates this year. The oldest will have a stuffed pirate sitting on his shoulder. They would love a cape to go along with their costume.

  12. Thanks so much for all of your entries! My son freaks out about costumes, so I think I'm going to make him a cardboard box car or truck to wear, which he will definitely love. And my little girl is going to be his stop light or stop sign - I haven't decided.
    Now - I'm off to announce the winner!


So... what do YOU think?