
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

5 Tips for Fearless Doctors Visits

Sawyer found a cool vintage Fisher Price doctor's kit yesterday when we stopped at the Salvation Army on the way back from his dermatologist appointment. He is obsessed with it! He insists that every family member (including stuffed ones) have a very thorough checkup. And he's very serious about it, too. I wish I had gotten it sooner!

This little toy kit got me thinking of other ways that a mama can help her little one be less fearful of the doctor. Here are my...

5 Tips for Fearless Doctors Visits

1. Watch What You Say.
Even when you don't think she's listening, SHE IS! So be careful that your little one doesn't overhear you chatting on the phone to your best friend about how awful your last checkup was.

2. Be Honest.
I learned fast that you cannot get anything over on a toddler. If you tell her that it won't hurt, and it does, she will probably get even MORE upset and fearful. And it's not worth damaging your little one's trust in you. So be honest and let her know that the shot will hurt at first, but the hurt will go away fast, and you will be right there holding her hand.

3. Roll Play.
Before a doctor's visit, do a little imaginative roll playing with your little one of scenarios that they might expect at their visit. Keep it light-hearted and fun. Take turns being the doctor and patient or help her pretend with her favorite doll or stuffy. Use some of these great Etsy finds:

4. Read Books.
Find great children's books about visiting the doctor on
this list at Amazon.

5. Make it Fun!
Pack little toys and stickers in your purse that your little one loves or hasn't seen yet to pull out at the first sign of a meltdown. Our favorites are a pair of kids binoculars and a magnifying glass. And if you can, make a fun day of it by spending some fun mommy and me time shopping, visiting the park, or eating at her favorite restaurant before or after the appointment.

Since Sawyer's used to going to doctors, he's not usually too scared of them or their tools. But he is PETRIFIED of the blood pressure cuff and finger heart rate monitor thing at his allergist. I'll be interested to see whether his little kit (with it's cute little blood pressure cuff) will remedy that fear. Maybe we'll even take it with us next time.
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  1. Great information!! Thanks so much for posting this and for adding my doll scrubs to the list!!

  2. Your son is gorgeous! Great tips! Thanks for stopping by!


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