
Monday, March 26, 2012

Pinterest: Kid Friendly Blogs that Welcome Pinners

pinners-welcome kids friendly blogs
Have you jumped on the Pinterest train yet?  I have and am loving the journey.  (Follow B.Inspired Mama on Pinterest here.)  If you haven’t, you should.  Pinterest is a virtual pin board where you can “pin” images from your favorite websites and blogs.  The OCD in me loves how it allows you to organize those pins into different categories or boards.  The socialista in me loves how you can connect with friends and fellow bloggers to share your pins and see theirs.  And the blogger in me loves how it allows you to organize your ideas, seek inspiration, and share your blog posts.  It’s all good in my mind. 
But the wonderful new world of Pinterest hasn’t been without its hiccups.  There has been some controversy lately regarding their terms of use and copyright laws.  Pinterest seems to be working to address these concerns by adjusting their terms of use.  But it’s still important for us as bloggers and good internet citizens in general to be mindful of what and how we pin
  • First, remember to always pin from the original source or blog post. 
  • Second, before repinning check that the image links to an original source.  If you can’t find the original source, you can try this.
  • And finally, check that the blogger or author gives permission for their images to be pinned.  They might have a “Pin It” button right in the post or a “Permission to Pin” or “Pinners Welcome” badge on their sidebar. 
Of course, B.Inspired Mama is Pin-Friendly.  You are always welcome (and encouraged!) to pin any of the images from their original blog post.
Zina from Let’s Lasso the Moon was inspired by these Pinterest concerns to create a collective of Kid-Friendly Blogs that Welcome Pinners.  And she has been kind enough to allow us to share this with you.  Check out all of the kid-friendly and pin-friendly blogs below and pin away!  (And add your blog, too, if you’d like.)

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