
Thursday, July 12, 2012

15 Tips to Keep Children Safe While On The Go [From The Mouths of Moms]

Can’t find time to read all of those parenting books and magazines?  Don’t have a lot of mommy friends to bounce ideas off of?  Kids go crazy every time you get on the phone to ask a friend their advice?  No problem; I’ll do the work for you!

From the Mouths of Moms Keep Kids Safe While On The Go

Each Thursday I bring you kid-tested parenting tips for a specific parenting challenge “from the mouths of moms.”  We’ve already shared lots of tips for dealing with picky eaters, getting kids to sleep better, ensuring stress-free play dates, cooking with kids, potty training success, promoting sibling bonding, teaching good touch bad touch, taming toddler aggression, and dealing with an overly emotional child.  Now here are direct quotes from a diverse group of moms (with kids of all ages and tons of ideas) on keeping kids safe while on the go.  Meet your new mommy friends…

Alright, Mamas, how do you keep your kids safe when you’re on the go?

1. Have Them Hold The Car
“When we get out of the car, and I'm fumbling with keys, and my handbag and wallet, locking the car, etc., I ask my son to hold on to the car handle so I know he isn't wandering off where there are cards around. He just stands here holding the door handle without even being asked now.” Ness from One Perfect Day
2. Teach Them To Stay In Sight
“The big [rule] when we're out is: 'If you can't see me, I can't see you and I need to be able to see you.'” Marnie from Carrots Are Orange
3. Give Them a Mommy Card
“I put one of my ‘mommy cards’ (business cards with the kids names, my name, and my cell number) in their pockets and tell them to hand it to an adult that works at the place if they are lost.” Laura from Play Dr. Mom
4. Use a Different Tone of Voice
“I try to only use a firm voice when he is doing something dangerous so he knows that I am serious.” Amy from Z is for Zel
5. Write Your Number on Them
“When we go to crowded places like London or country shows I write my phone number on his arm. He likes that and tells random strangers that it's so he doesn't get lost (he is usually holding my hand while telling them).” The Monko from Taming the Goblin
6. Keep Them in the Car
“When getting groceries out of the car, I keep [my son] in the car and let him play until everything is unloaded.” Amy from Z is for Zel
7. Establish a Meeting Place
“When we get to a location we talk about who they can ask for help (identify staff) and where our meeting place is ... (i.e. ‘look - our beach chairs are between the lifeguard and the blue flag’)” Laura from Play Dr. Mom
8. Use a Bracelet
“At the beach and when at the zoo I have wrist bands for the kids with ‘My Mummy is ...... and her phone number is .........’ That way if they do go off they can get hold of me as well.” Cerys from Rainy Day Mum
9. Teach Them to Freeze
“We play the freeze game at home and with music. The kids know that if I say freeze, they need to stop. This is really helpful when out and about because if a situation is not safe, I can say freeze and most often they do. Then I can guide them a safe way.” Amanda from The Educators’ Spin On It
10. Use the Stroller
“My twins are 4 and still sit in their stroller when we go places. If it is just me taking them somewhere or it is not some kid friendly place, they stay in the stroller.” Kristen from Caution: Twins at Play
11. Give Them a Task
“I always have him sometimes help me push the stroller (with the baby in it) when he seems particularly energetic and wanting to run off - having a task and being able to ‘help me’ excites him enough to stay close.” Jennifer from The Good Long Road
12. Play Red Light, Green Light
“I have taught J the red light/green light game. We practice it at home a lot. Then when we are out and about and he starts running off, I just say red light and he knows to stop. Usually it turns into a game, which is ok because he's staying safe and engaged.” Amanda from Dirt and Boogers
13. Use a Backpack with Reigns
“Before having kids I admittedly was one of those people that looked down on ‘the leash,’ but Sawyer was a runner as a toddler. And that monkey backpack with the ‘leash’ saved us many times!” Krissy from B-Inspired Mama
14. Read Books About Safety
“I talk to my son a lot about what it means to be safe. There is a great book with that title, What Does It Mean To Be Safe?, that is excellent for addressing these points with young children.” Marnie from Carrots Are Orange
15. Give Them Lots of Time to Run
“In a car park the rule is goblin must hold my hand. The rest of the time he is allowed to run absolutely free so that he realizes there is a difference.” The Monko from Taming the Goblin
How do you keep your kids safe when you’re out and about?

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  1. Great list, Krissy! You are doing an awesome job with this series!!!

  2. another great round up of suggestions Krissy, I love these posts.

  3. Once again, love it! There were some tips I'll be using. I love the idea of playing a freeze game at home and then using that when we're out.

    1. I know - I think my kids would respond great to that one, too!

  4. This is such a fantastic post and resource. It definitely gave me a few new ideas that I'd love to implement. And I was delighted to see that some of the things I already do made it on the list. Great minds! haha.

    1. Yes, and it's funny how there is often the same idea with just slight variations for each family or child. Like the putting the hands on the car/door handle/mom's clothing.

  5. Great compilation, Krissy! We also do the touch the tire/license plate/door handle thing. I think there's actually a product where you put a magnetic sticker shaped like a handprint on the car door and the kids are supposed to leave their hands on it until they have permission to go.

    1. Thanks, Chrissy! I've seen that, too. Pretty clever, and maybe it would increase the kids' interest at first, but I've just figured that it's not really necessary.

  6. What a great list. So many good, and simple, tips. Thanks for this!

  7. Good list for a great refresher...I have grandchildren now. Found you thru Tip Toe Thru Tuesday linky party!

  8. Great ideas! We'd love to invite you to join us at Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! I know everyone will love your great kid-friendly ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)


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