
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mama Knows Best: Tips for Mothers from Mothers [Krissy from B-Inspired Mama]

One thing I’ve learned from the popular From the Mouths of Moms parenting tips series is that every mom, child, and family is different.  And each mom assesses their own unique experiences, values, and circumstances to make the best parenting decisions possible for their own child and family.  Each mother knows best and tries to do her best for her child.  

Mama Knows Best Logo

So why not share and learn from one another; moms helping moms.  Every Tuesday, I will spotlight one mama and her “best” tips for mothers on parenting advice, resources, and products.  Let’s kick off the series with my own favorites…

Mama Knows Best

Krissy from B-Inspired Mama


Krissy of B-Inspired Mama Mama Knows Best

Best Pregnancy or Birth Advice
When I was worried about my son measuring big during my first pregnancy, my midwife assured me that every baby is made perfectly for their mother’s body.

Best Parenting Website
The groups and discussion boards at BabyCenter are an endless resource for parenting questions and challenges.

Best Blog for Moms
Well, B-Inspired Mama, of course!  But since that might be a slightly biased opinion, I’d have to recommend Offbeat Mama, because I love how inclusive it is of all kinds of families and styles of parenting.

Best Baby Product
I have found lots of great products that helped with each of my babies, but honestly the only one I have used consistently for all three of my children has been my trusty Boppy Pillow.

Best Parenting Advice
In parenting, as in life, there are seasons and change.  Be flexible and know that “this too shall pass.”

Seasons of Parenting Quote from B-Inspired Mama

Best Parenting Book
I don’t have much time anymore to read parenting books; I wish I did!  But I have read and liked The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Best Children’s Book
Little Blue Truck has always been a favorite in our house.  It’s a fun rhyming story about how friendly little blue truck saves the day with the help of his animal pals.  

Best Toddler Toy
We have been lucky enough to find lots of Fisher Price Little People sets at yard sales.  I love how they are suitable for even the littlest ones yet are still enjoyable for my imaginative 5 year old.

Best Kids’ Game
Candy Land is a classic that we play a lot as a family.  It works for many ages, since all you need to know is a few basic colors.  

Best Kids’ Craft
When I asked my kids, their favorite by far was when they made marshmallow and toothpick sculptures for an Easter craft.  They created with those toothpicks and marshmallows for HOURS!

Easter Marshmallow Toothpick Craft from B-Inspired Mama

Best Outdoor Play Idea
We love anything with water: “washing” the car with water guns, spraying one another with the hose, running through the sprinkler, and playing with the Barbie Pool.

Best Way to Stay Organized
Use lots of bins, baskets, and over the door organizers to store toys and kids art supplies.

Over Door Art Supply Organizer

Best Way to Keep a Happy Relationship or Marriage
Communicate, communicate, communicate.  Make sure your significant other knows how you truly feel.

Best Family Outing or Vacation
A simple trip to a local park or playground followed up by an ice cream treat is always the best low-stress family time.

Best Kid-Friendly Restaurant
Any place with a buffet typically pleases my picky eaters, because it offers a good variety, fast service, and usually yummy desserts.

Best Family Meal or Recipe
The meal that gets eaten the best by my two picky eaters is definitely mini meatloaf muffins with mashed potatoes and broccoli.  I’m pretty sure Priscilla only eats it because she loves to help make it!

Meatloaf Muffin Hearts 1

Best Behavior Management or Discipline Tip
This is one I learned from my Principal while I was teaching: “Mean what you say and say what you mean.”  As hard as it is sometimes, honesty and consistency are key.

Best Way to Spend a Mommy Moment
Blogging at B-Inspired Mama and connecting with other mamas, of course!

What are your “bests,” Mama?

I’d love to spotlight YOU on “Mama Knows Best!”  Just contact me if you’re interested. 

If you like this, get lots more by signing up for B-Inspired Mama’s Newsletter. And follow B-Inspired Mama on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest!

I love to link up with: Made by Little Hands Monday, Learning Laboratory Monday, Ta-Da Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays, Tip Toe Through Tuesday, Tuesday Tots, Tip Me Tuesday, Get Your Craft on Tuesday, Show & Tell Tuesday, Made by Me Wednesday, Sugar & Spice Wednesday, Kids Get Crafty Wednesday, The Mommy Club Wednesdays, Happy Lil Hearts Are Baking, It's Playtime Thursday, What Are Little Boys Made of Thursday, The Weekly Kids Co-op, Read Explore Learn Friday, For the Kids Friday, Kitchen Fun and Craft Friday, Show & Share Saturday, and Link & Learn Sunday.


  1. Love the organiser for craft stuff - will have to try that as my stuff is all higgldy piggldy in a box. Great start to the new series Krissy. Well done.

    1. Thanks! We have a pretty tiny house for a family of five, so we have to be creative with storage.

  2. Love this new series!!! I would love to participate :)

    1. Oh, I'd love for you to share your "bests!" I'll contact you on facebook to get you signed up.

  3. Wonderful series and great to get to know more about you and your mama tips :-) I can't wait 'til the kids are old enough for Candyland - that was one of my favorites growing up.

    1. I know - right. Candyland and Hi-Ho Cherry-O were my favorites. Still need to get then Cherry-O, though! Thanks for the compliments, Chrissy. :)

  4. We organize stuff in one of those too, they work beautifully!

    I'm excited to follow this series!

  5. this is such a great idea! i love it! i'd love to participate in it!

    thanks for linking it up!

    1. Oh, Andie, I'd love for you to participate! I'll get you the information. :)

  6. Loved learning more about you! I remember those marshmallow sculptures and I still want to try (and eat) them. =)

  7. Great roundup of suggestions! Thanks Krissy. I'm pinning it so that I can come back again.


So... what do YOU think?