
Monday, August 17, 2009

Four Crazy Places for Kids Art

You might be surprised what creative creatures come out when you skip the plain old paper and give your little one an unconventional canvas! Try one of the following 4 crazy places the next time your kids need some creative inspiration.

1. The WALL - Have the kids help you paint a one-of-a-kind mural or let them go at it alone with paint. Besides, you can always just paint over it, right. Or you could put up some of this great Frames wallpaper from Graham & Brown that features simple line drawn frames to draw, paint, or paste artwork into! If you're not quite that brave, paint a wall or a section of a wall with chalkboard paint so that their artwork is easily erasable and they can draw on it over and over again. And don't worry; chalkboard paint doesn't have to be black. Check out Martha Stewart Living's article on making custom colors!

2. The TUB - What better place to make a mess (or a masterpiece) than right in the tub where it can simultaneously be washed away! There are lots of tub paints and crayons in most store, but why not support an Etsy seller like Billie's Soap & Spa instead and be rest assured your little one won't be using something harmful or supporting big business!

3. The FURNITURE - This might seem a bit crazy or extreme, but check out the beautiful kid-decorated chair at Sea of Shoes that was created to be auctioned off for charity. You wouldn't be out much money if you picked some old piece of small furniture up at a thrift store or yard sale. And you wouldn't necessarily have to reupholster it in canvas. Instead try just painting over it's current upholstery with gesso or sanding and priming it if it's wood.

4. The PILLOWS - Liven up your kids decor AND creativity with these cool Chalkboard Pillows from Merriment Design. Or if you're looking for something more permanent and less formal, just give the kids a blank pillow form and some fabric markers!

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  1. Hi Krissy, I'm so glad that you like my chalkboard pillows! Thanks so much for linking to them! I have posted free instructions for how to make your own at Enjoy! :)

  2. Thanks for the free tutorial! They are wonderful!!


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