
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kids in the Kitchen: Banana Bear Pudding

Pin It Banana Bear Pudding 4

I keep seeing banana pudding on Pinterest that uses the typical vanilla wafer cookies.  And don’t get me wrong; it looks yummy!  But I thought it would be more fun for the kids if we used some teddy bear graham crackers instead.  Oh, and we sweetened up the pudding a bit, too! 


Banana Bear Pudding

Here’s what you’ll need:

Banana Bear Pudding 1
  • a few bananas
  • one package of instant vanilla pudding
  • about a cup of milk (we used fat free)
  • one container of cool whip
  • a few handfuls of teddy bear graham crackers
Banana Bear Pudding 2
  1. Have your little one practice their cutting skills by using a dull butter knife to slice up the bananas.
  2. In a bowl, whip together the pudding mix and the milk until smooth.
  3. Fold 3/4 of the tub of cool whip (leaving the remaining cool whip for garnish) into the pudding mixture.
  4. Layer the graham crackers, pudding mixture, and bananas (repeating as needed) into a serving dish or glass cup. 
  5. Garnish top with whipped cream and a teddy bear!
Banana Bear Pudding 3
The kids LOVED making this yummy dessert.  And they could make almost all of it themselves.  I only needed to help make sure the pudding and cool whipped were sufficiently combined. 
What have you been cooking with your little ones lately?

I love to link up with:
Made by Little Hands Monday, Learning Laboratory Monday, Tuesday Tots, Tip Me Tuesday, Get Your Craft on Tuesday, Show & Tell Tuesday, Made by Me Wednesday, Sugar & Spice Wednesday, Share & Wow Wednesday, Kids Get Crafty Wednesday, The Mommy Club Wednesdays, It's Playtime Thursday, What Are Little Boys Made of Thursday, The Weekly Kids Co-op, Read Explore Learn Friday, For the Kids Friday, Fun for Kids Friday, and Show & Share Saturday.


  1. I love how easy this recipe is and that it comes out so cute! I think my little guy would love this (and me)!

    1. Thanks, Justine! It was very easy. Let me know how you make out if you try it.

  2. Yay! Easy and tasty (well, it looks tasty). My 5-y-old will love making this. Hmm. Will have to think what glass to let them use rather than my wine glasses (ha).

    1. I know - haha! The kids layered theirs in plastic bowls. I just layered mine in the glass to give myself a visual treat, too! :)

  3. This is such a fun idea - I pinned it for possible use later in a bear theme. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for the Pinterest love! I'd love to hear more about your bear theme when you do it. :)

  4. Forget the kids, I am going to make this for myself! Ok, maybe I will share :o) Happy to be your newest follower! -Sarah @ Repeat Crafter Me

    1. I know - it was delish! And my fiance, Cliff, couldn't get enough of it either.

  5. This is such a cute idea with the bears! My daughter loves making parfaits. This would be a cute one to add to our Bear Lesson with Little Hands that Cook with Books.

    1. OMGosh - those biscuit bears of yours are too cute! Thanks for sharing.

    2. Thank you Krissy... they are very easy for the kids to make all by themselves too!

  6. Oh my that looks and sounds delicious!

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty! Great to see you there!

    Maggy & Alissa

    1. It's always great to link up with Kids Get Crafty!

  7. Yum! My girls would love this, and so would mommy. The teddy grahams are a nice twist to an old favorite. Thanks so much for sharing with Tuesday Tots

  8. That is adorable! Everything tastes better with teddy bears, right? ; ) Thanks for linking up with Fun for Kids Friday. I hope you're having a nice weekend!

  9. This looks so yummy! I'm featuring this post in the Kid's Co-op this week.

  10. I totally want to try this:) Looks fun to make!

  11. So cute....and looks yummy too. Don't teddy bears just add everything! I'm also featuring this post on my Kid's Co-Op post this week at Mummy Musings and Mayhem!

  12. How sweet! I love Teddy Grahams and banana pudding. Great combination! I found you on pinterest, and I'm featuring you this week as my pinterest pick at my Friday Favorites event. Come by and grab my featured button if you'd like one!

    1. Thanks, Jerri. I will definitely check it out and add it to my "Featured" page. :)


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